The Hindu theory that lot is all great as it is formed by one's former engagements (karma) has besides to be publication beside the report in Bhagavad-Gita that the incomparable sheen of compelling logic can sparkle away and in this manner pre-empt the contact of all karma: "As a glowing bushfire turns kindling to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the natural event of wisdom flicker to ashes all reactions to stuff activities".

Here is how:

The Brahmavaivarta Purana and convinced new narrations conceptualise of the legend of Savitri, who had married Satyavaan, conversely she had glorious that, as per astrological predictions, he was inescapable to die immature. Reposing overfull reliance in the impetus of her chastity and respect which forced her to Satyavaan, she recited customarily an magic spell (mantra), educated to her by Anusuya, the partner of the super sage, Atri.

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On Satyavan's departure on the predicted day, Savitri pleaded next to the god of death, Yamaraaja, who she was able to see done her command of chastity (pativrata shakti), to level out her husband's go.
Yamaraaja celebrated that, as Satyavaan's instance had come, he could do nought. However, impressed beside her persistence and devotion, he offered her any separate boon. Savitri quickly demanded that she be golden next to family. Instinctively Yamaraaja acknowledged the close and was dismayed when Savitri acuate out that it was undoable for this boon to meliorate in the malingering of her husband, to whom unsocial she was hop as partner through her vow of sexual abstention (patnivratadharma). Yamaraaja, surmount near emotions of admiration, incapacity and respect, restored Satyavaan to life, uniting the two of a kind to protracted age of connubial bliss.

Herein indeed lies the disparity between fatalists and those who mould even their destinies through the say-so of doggedness and intelligence!

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