How important is web site traffic generation to your overall web site plan$%: In my mind, it is very important - in fact, it is crucial. You see, you can have the best product, the best sales page, and even the best customer support, but if you do not have traffic, you are dead in the water.

So what do you need to do to get more traffic to your web site$%:

Here are a number of ways you can increase the traffic to your web site and increase your traffic generation:

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1) Once you have your url, be sure and place it in all the easy spots, for example, your email signature, on any web profiles you may already have, and in any chat groups or other online groups you may already be a part of.

2) Search for web site directories on your favorite search engine, and submit your web site url to at least 100 web sites.

3) Write 4 articles related to the topic of your web site and submit them to at least 100 article directories online.

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4) Write 2 press releases and submit them to the biggest press release directories on the web.

5) Open up both a Google AdWords and a Yahoo Overture account and bid on very inexpensive words - this is just to get your url on the web, so don't spend ridiculous amounts of money on this. If you start to get good traffic from the direct hits, continue to spend money. If not, drop down to $5 per month on each of the two accounts, and just bid 10 cents for each hit - this will still help you out a lot.

Once you have done all of this, you can begin to evaluate more advanced techniques for web site traffic generation. However, if you literally have taken every step in this process, and your keyword is searched less than 10,000 times per month, you may already be in the top ten search results in Google and Yahoo. If so, then you can reevaluate - do you want to drive more traffic to this web site, or create another and do the same thing with it$%:

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